Surgery FAQ

No pet owner wants to hear that their pet needs surgery. However, it is sometimes necessary. At Oak Grove Veterinary Hospital in San Jose, we believe pet owners should be well-informed about the surgical procedures that we perform. Let’s look at some of the questions that we run into regarding pet surgery.

Surgery FAQ

Will My Pet Need Anesthesia?

Most surgical procedures are performed with your pet under general anesthesia. This means it will be unconscious during the procedure. This prevents your pet from experiencing pain or remembering the procedure.

What is Pre-anesthetic Blood Testing?

Even if your pet seems healthy, it may have an underlying issue that makes surgery or anesthetics risky. Blood tests are used to check organ function, blood count, and hydration levels. If your pet has a medical issue, the anesthesia may need to be adjusted. If the problem is severe, the surgery will be postponed until your pet is treated and recovered.

Can I Feed My Pet Before The Surgery?

Your veterinarian will provide specific pre-surgery instructions. Generally, you will need to avoid feeding your pet 8 to 10 hours before surgery. Pets can regurgitate during anesthesia, which can get into the lungs. This often leads to pneumonia. You can leave water out for your pet unless otherwise told by your vet.

When Can My Pet Come Home?

Most pets are able to come home on the same day. After the procedure, it will recover in the vet’s office, usually for a few hours. When it's clear it is stable and doing well, it can come home.

Will My Pet Have Sutures or Stitches?

Recent advances have made several options available to veterinarians. Some surgeries allow for dissolvable stitches to be placed beneath the skin, which means there are no visible stitches. Smaller procedures can be closed with surgical adhesive. Surgeries that involve larger incisions, particularly tumor removal, will require visible sutures.

Will My Pet Be in Pain After Surgery?

Some pain after surgery can be expected. However, your vet will manage your pet’s pain as well as possible. Your pet may be given an injection of pain medication after surgery. You may also be sent home with pain medications to control your pet’s pain. Pain is typically the most intense for the first 48 to 72 hours. Allow your pet to get plenty of rest and make sure it has a comfortable bed while recovering.

Contact Oak Grove Veterinary Hospital in San Jose, CA

If your pet needs surgery in San Jose, contact Oak Grove Veterinary Hospital. If your pet needs a routine spay or neuter surgery or experiences an emergency medical condition, our veterinarians are ready to help. Call our team today at (408) 227-1661 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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