The Impact of Spaying and Neutering on Pet Behavior

The Impact of Spaying and Neutering on Pet Behavior

If you live in the San Jose area and are considering having your pets spayed or neutered, our friendly and professional team at Oak Grove Veterinary Hospital can help. It is also inevitable, as a caring pet owner, that you will have questions regarding the impact on your pet's behavior. Many of us have heard and are likely familiar with the many benefits of neutering. From preventing the risk of concerns like testicular cancer to eliminating the potential for unwanted pregnancies, there are many benefits to having your pet spayed or neutered. But what about the behavioral impacts?

Behavioral Impacts of Having Your Pet Neutered

When we reduce testosterone and estrogen levels in animals, it only makes sense that there will also be some behavioral changes that accompany those physical changes. And pet owners are right to have questions, but the good news is, most of those changes are for the best.

Depression and mood swings are a possibility, particularly in the first few months after the procedure, as their little bodies adjust to the changes. In most cases, however, our pets will adjust to their new chemical and physical differences, and their typical pet behavior should follow.

What does change for the better is their general aggressive behaviors. And that is also a change for the better that will last. After having your favorite feline or cuddly canine spayed or neutered, they will act more domesticated and less wild. For your family, your blinds, your furniture, your home, and for your pet's health - those are all good things.

Contact Oak Grove Veterinary Hospital Today

If you live in the San Jose area and are looking for veterinary services or for a veterinarian near you, then look no further than Oak Grove Veterinary Hospital for all your animal care needs. Our pet clinic can help with all your pet care questions and needs and assist you with services like neutering too. Contact us to learn more or to schedule an appointment today.


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